
[NEWS] Jung Sewoon to make a solo debut in the beginning of September

[COMMENTS] The Vibe Label Representatives: "Kim Taedong asked for termination of contract after cutting contact"

[NEWS] The Vibe Label Representatives: "Kim Taedong asked for termination of contract after cutting contact"

[INTERVIEW] HOTSHOT Noh Taehyun mentions promoting as JBJ + Ha Sungwoon

[LYRICS] Wonderland - Yongguk & Shihyun

[LYRICS] Love Taste - Yongguk & Shihyun

[LYRICS] Stay Here - Yongguk & Shihyun

[LYRICS] The.The.The - Yongguk & Shihyun

[NOTICE] 170805 Yongguk & Shihyun will be a Radio DJ for Casper Radio

[NEWS] The Vibe Label Official Statement, "Talking to resolve problems with Taedong"

[NEWS] Kim Taedong, "Pressure from something I cannot mention." vs TVL, "Solving issue nicely"

[INSTAGRAM] 170727 Kim Taedong Update

[INSTAGRAM] 170728 Kim Taedong Update

[NEWS] The Vibe Label's Official Statement on Kim Taedong's Issue

[NEWS] JBJ Kim Taedong cuts contact one-way... "Sent Company proof of content"

[NEWS] Yongguk & Shihyun to have their debut stage on August 2nd @ Show Champion

[TRANS] Kim Sanggyun's acrostic poem is going viral on SNS